Monday, February 26, 2007

Final scorecard

Wot's this, then? Ellen was at best "low-key" and at worst "tacky"? She did an awesome job hosting the Oscars! She was a delight every time she was onscreen. Her bits in the crowd were ten times better than Chris Rock's/Jon Stewart's shoehorned schtick was in the past two years. I have to say that Ellen was a high water mark for the ceremony, ranking amongst Steve Martin's and Billy Crystal's best efforts. Certainly, she kicked Whoopi's ass.

I had the awards mostly right, only losing my way on "The Departed" for Best Adapted Screenplay and Alan Arkin for Best Supporting Actor.

Arkin? What the shit?

Did anyone see this movie? He was in it for fifteen minutes. In that time he ate friend chicken, snorted heroin, growled, and died. Herloh!? Anyone out there? In a weak-ass flick, his might well have been the least rendered role of them all. But then again, me and Ken Watanabe are sick and tired of all things "Little Miss Sunshine."

Note to Laura Ziskin -- fewer montages in the first three hours, and mo' awards.