Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It hurts

It hurts when your spam writes noir better than you can. Read on:

""Annie - "You killed him.

"Annie, are you all right?

He had tasted it and knew.

"Not that I was surprised.

The sheet was turning red.

He had tasted it and knew.

Id guthole a few of them!

Has she been buried alive?

"Did ye speak, young sair?

Shed gotten away with it.

He hoped he would be okay.

He hoped he would be okay.

"Let me offer again, Paul.

Has she been buried alive?

but then the gotta set in.

He had a pack on his back.

"She turned on the faucet.

"Did ye speak, young sair?

"But mostly I just scream.

He had a pack on his back.

He had a pack on his back.

breathe goddammit BREATHE!

but then the gotta set in.

but then the gotta set in.

He had a pack on his back.

The Kleenex came away wet.

The sheet was turning red.